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Scotchie Civil Engineering

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About Scotchie Civil Engineering, LLC

Who We Are

Scotchie Civil Engineering is a Professional Engineering firm serving the Atlanta region and Georgia, providing services to individuals, private firms, and government agencies. Our firm size allows for a hands-on approach to all aspects of your project and for multidisciplinary collaboration.

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What We Offer

Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Feasibility Studies

Prior to making a large real estate investment, it is prudent to determine if the investment is going to fit your needs. Occasionally, a real estate opportunity may appear attractive, however, site constraints and local, state, and federal regulations may not allow the investment to thrive. We offer planning services that will give you a better idea as to how much of a property is actual usable land for development and a better understanding of development costs.

Land Development

Scotchie Civil Engineering assists in realizing the full potential of your real estate investment with quality design, well-timed permitting, and development services to drive your project to completion.


During all phases of development, Scotchie Civil Engineering will consult extensively with you and community officials to ensure a fully-integrated design, achieving your investment goals.


Whether your needs involve subdivisions or master-planned communities, commercial or institutional developments, industrial or recreational facilities, Scotchie Civil Engineering offers  development services, regulatory approval guidance, and site civil engineering.

House Construction

Site Plan Design

Scotchie Civil Engineering is well experienced in site development, designing and permitting and project planning. Our services include complying with state and federal stormwater management requirements, and local zoning requirements. In addition to sustainable design, erosion control, grading, and utility plans, we have extensive experience evaluating and designing stormwater mitigation systems. This includes detention, retention, and conveyance systems, for both public and private projects.

Stormwater Management

We offer stormwater consulting services to help you stay on top of your stormwater compliance needs. Stormwater requirements and regulations — at federal, state, and local levels — are always changing. It’s important to stay apprised of and adapt to these changes to avoid violations and make the most of your investment in a stormwater management system.

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Droplets on the Window

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

Scotchie Civil Engineering provides our clients storm water services to achieve compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for discharges of storm water associated with construction activity. Our services include preparing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), performing site compliance evaluations, and providing recommendations on use of more effective BMPs. Our SWPPPs are tailored to our client’s project needs, and our understanding of local requirements adds significant value.

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Our Projects

Three Glenlake, Sandy Springs, GA

Commercial Office

Land disturbance permitting for Three Glenlake (former Newell Rubbermaid Corporate Headquarters), a 14-story office tower and a 7-story parking deck on 4 acres .

Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, Lithonia Springs, GA

Panola RD. Park & Ride Lot

Provided construction plans through GDOT's plan development process for a 600+ parking space transit facility.

Georgia Department of Transportation, Emerson, GA

Old Alabama Highway Widening

We worked with GDOT on the re-alignment and widening of a two-mile section of Old Alabama Highway.

Silver Hollow Estates, Westborough, MA

New residential subdivision

A new subdivision located  in Westborough, MA with more than 25 acres of open space and over twenty lots.

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Contact Us

11 The Croft Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30342

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